Dean of the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (FBME) prof. Gundars Bērziņš, on behalf of the newly-established Productivity Research Institute "University of Latvia think tank LV PEAK" (UL think tank LV PEAK), has signed the Declarations on Cooperation with the Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) and the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LTRK). The purpose of the declarations is to promote productivity, competitiveness and analysis-based economic policy-making.
"The foundation of the Productivity Research Institute and the establishment of a cooperation mechanism with the social partners will enable Latvia to be part of the network of National Productivity Boards of the European Union member states. Participation in the network of National Productivity Boards will provide a framework for objective research and data-based economic policy-making," said prof. Gundars Bērziņš.
Upon signing the Declaration, Līga Meņģelsone, Director General of LDDK, noted: "We believe that the creation of such a platform for business and science cooperation will motivate employers to participate even more actively in the development of economically important decisions. Science- and statistics-based data are crucial in stimulating new innovative solutions and proposals relevant to business development."
"Congratulations to the "University of Latvia think tank" on the establishment of the Productivity Council LV PEAK, thus fulfilling the recommendation of the European Union," said Chair of the Board of LTRK, Jānis Endziņš, and emphasized that "Productivity growth is the "golden key" to almost all of Latvia's main problems, including demography, poverty and others, so it is necessary to look for effective ways to increase it. For its part, the LTRK will do its utmost to ensure that the Council established by the think tank develops and that the recommendations are capitalized in the decisions adopted by the government and the Saeima."
At the proposal of the Ministry of Economics, the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia decided to designate the UL think tank LV PEAK as the Productivity Board of Latvia and, consequently, to delegate the representation of Latvia in the network of National Productivity Boards of the European Union. The decision was made taking into consideration that the UL think tank LV PEAK has submitted the analytical report and recommendations to the Government, and the recent change of the status of the UL think tank LV PEAK – the establishment of Productivity Research Institute and Productivity Board. The Productivity Board will have to work on matters of increasing the productivity of the European Union. The UL think tank LV PEAK has already actively stimulated public debate on productivity issues.
Through the Declarations of cooperation the UL think tank LV PEAK, LDDK and LTRK will promote productivity, competitiveness and analytical economic policy-making. The declarations will improve the link between the academic and scientific environment and the business environment in Latvia, as well as contribute to a better implementation of the membership in the network of National Productivity Boards of the European Union Member States. The declarations stipulate that it will remain in force until 31 December 2022.