“Latvijas produktivitātes ziņojumā 2024” ir analizēti produktivitātes faktori un dinamika, tai skaitā inovāciju sniegums, P&A finansējums, digitālās attīstības līmenis, kā arī jauniešu aptaujas rezultāti par ekonomikas izaugsmes perspektīvu, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot klimata mērķu sasniegšanai finansējuma novērtējumam. Ziņojumā ir iezīmēti galvenie izaicinājumi un sniegtas rekomendācijas politikas veidotājiem.

Pirms ziņojuma iesniegšanas valdībai un Eiropas Komisijai 2024.gada 6. martā tas tika prezentēts konferencē “Produktivitātes dialogs - 2025” plašam partneru lokam.

Ziņojums sastāv no 4 nodaļām. 1.nodaļā ir analizēta Latvijas produktivitātes dinamika. 2.nodaļā ir produktivitātes analīze pamatnozaru griezumā un tehnoloģiskās intensitātes strukturālās izmaiņas. 3.nodaļā ir apskatīti nozīmīgākie produktivitātes pieaugumu veicinošie faktori. 4.nodaļā ir novērtēts Latvijas enerģētikas un klimata mērķu sasniegšanai nepieciešamais finansējums. Ziņojuma nobeigumā ir doti secinājumi un priekšlikumi politikas uzlabošanai.

Latvijas produktivitātes ziņojums 2024 PDF

Latvia’s 2023 Productivity Report examines the factors and dynamics influencing productivity in Latvia, with a particular focus on investments and the return on capital. In contrast to previous years' reports, this year the confidence mood of young people about the economic processes in the country and their prospects for building a career in Latvia was studied. The report outlines the main challenges and provides recommendations for policy makers.

The report consists of 4 chapters. Chapter 1 analyzes the productivity dynamics of Latvia. Chapter 2 contains an analysis of productivity in the cross-section of basic industries and structural changes in technological intensity. Chapter 3 discusses the most important factors contributing to productivity growth. Chapter 4 examines the dynamics and level of investment and capital return indicators in Latvia, as well as investment obstacles and the main productivity-enhancing investment directions in Latvia. At the end of the report, conclusions and proposals for improving the policy are given.

­Executive summary of the report is being prepared (in English).

Full Report (in Latvian):

Latvijas produktivitātes ziņojums 2023 PDF

"Latvia’s 2022 Productivity Report" analyses productivity factors and dynamics in the core industries, specifies the long-term scenarios of Latvia's economic development, as well as in-depth studies the investments and capital return in Latvia. The report highlights the main challenges of 2022 and provides recommendations for policy makers.

The report consists of 2 chapters. Chapter 1 analyses the dynamics and factors of Latvia's productivity and long-term development scenarios. Chapter 2 examines the dynamics and level of investment and capital return indicators in Latvia, as well as investment obstacles and the main productivity-enhancing investment directions in Latvia.

­Executive summary of the report is being prepared (in English).

Full Report (in Latvian):

Latvijas produktivitātes ziņojums 2022 (PDF)

Latvia’s 2021 Productivity Report analyses productivity factors and dynamics, presents scenarios for Latvia's economic development over the long term and examines in depth the impact on productivity of remote working. The report contains recommendations for policy-makers.

Before the 2021 report was submitted to the government and the European Commission on 2 December 2020, it was presented to a broad range of partners at a conference entitled ‘Productivity Dialogue 2021’.

The report consists of 2 chapters. Chapter 1 analyses Latvia’s productivity dynamics, productivity factors and scenarios for long-term development. Chapter 2 describes trends in remote working and its impact on productivity, as well as policy challenges associated with remote working and policies for promoting it. At the end of the report there are conclusions and recommendations to improve policy.

Executive summary of the Latvia’s 2021 Productivity Report (EN) (PDF)

Full Report (in Latvian):

"Latvia’s 2020 Productivity Report" provides a scientific basis for state aid criteria that boost companies' productivity. The criteria were developed based on the analysis of the ORBIS database on the indicators of Latvian companies. In the future, productivity reports will be developed annually with the aim of conducting an independent, objective and science-based analysis of competitiveness and productivity, and developing policy recommendations for the Latvian government.

Executive summary of the productivity report 2020 for Latvia (EN) (PDF)

Full Report (in Latvian):

Latvijas produktivitātes ziņojums 2020 (PDF)