Within the framework of the project the University of Latvia think tank LV PEAK and the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia cooperates to raise public awareness of challenges in the field of productivity and promote activities necessary for the transformation of the economy towards the creation of higher added value, responding to challenges and opportunities in international markets and ensuring an increase in export potential.
Objective of the study:
Creation of a leading indicators tool (including using alternative data sources) for analysis of development trends and data-based decision-making, as well as development of proposals for creating a systematic approach to data analysis in the public sector.
The study is available here (in Latvian):
- A webinar was held on October 12, 2022 to discuss the findings of the study and seek stakeholder views on research: "Creation of a leading indicators tool, incl. use of open data, etc. alternative solutions for real-time economic monitoring (innovation, export, productivity)"
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Objective of the study:
Evaluate the impact of inflation on investments and prepare proposals for investments in productivity promotion.
The study is available here (in Latvian):
Inflācijas ietekme uz investīcijām un priekšlikumi investīcijām produktivitātes veicināšanā (PDF)
- A webinar was held on November 4, 2022 to discuss the findings of the study and seek stakeholder views on research: "Impact of Inflation on Investments and Proposals for Investments in Productivity Promotion"
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Objective of the study:
To look at the green course in more detail - the movement towards climate neutrality in 2050, to outline strategic investment directions for the development of export potential and identify future technologies and investment projects for Latvia, which would strengthen the development of the entire national economy.
The study is available here (in Latvian):
- A webinar was held on November 24, 2022 to discuss the findings of the study and seek stakeholder views on research: “The Green Course – progress towards climate neutrality in 2050. Strategic investment directions for the development of export potential. Future technologies and investment projects for Latvia.”.
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Latvia’s Productivity Report
Productivity Dialogue
LV PEAK Economic Barometer
- Cilvēkkapitāla attīstības politikas efektivitātes un progresa novērtēšana Latvijā
- Implementation of the measures in the field of investment and productivity
- Creation of a quantitative assessment model of the impact of European Union funds on the Latvian economy
- Ex-post evaluation of the quality of macroeconomic and budget forecasts
- Modelling and Analysis of the Economic Impact of Climate Goals
- reCOVery-LV