Outputs 2021

The purpose of developing the assessment of the scenarios and forecasts of Latvia's macroeconomic development is the assessment of Latvia's strategic policy documents and planned investments, based on the global development trends (changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, global technological changes, climate change - the Green Course and progress towards climate neutrality, etc.), and also, by evaluating Latvia's demographic development trends and economic development opportunities, to develop Latvia's macroeconomic assumptions and influencing factors for medium (up to 2030) and long-term (up to 2050) for 3 development scenarios (pessimistic, optimistic and base). The scenarios will be the basis (input conditions) to determine the economic impact of achieving the identified economic and climate goals under various hypotheses using the energy and climate TIMES (Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) and CGE (Computable General Equilibrium)  models. The research will also include a theoretical review of the factors affecting energy costs, based on the experience of other countries, other models (references) and the analysis of scientific literature on the principles of energy price formation. Hypotheses will be put forward about how energy-related policies, incl. Elements of the European Commission's revised directives on energy efficiency and renewed energy resources may affect the costs of energy users in Latvia. Identified hypotheses will be tested in the modeling process.

The study is available here (in Latvian):

Latvijas makroekonomiskās attīstības scenāriju un prognožu novērtējums, lai izvērtētu Eiropas Komisijas pārskatīto energoefektivitātes un atjaunoto energoresursu direktīvu ietekmi PDF

The purpose of the study is to define the improvement mechanisms of the CGE (Computable General Equilibrium) model in order to provide an internationally competitive general equilibrium model for assessing the impact of climate policy on the national economy and its effective connection with the Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE) TIMES (Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) model for the case of Latvia. Based on the scientific literature, the advantages and limitations of different types of CGE models (static, dynamic - recursive and fully dynamic) will be explored, as well as the possibilities of applying good practice to the case of Latvia. A concept for the inclusion of greenhouse gas emissions in the CGE model will be developed, as well as an evaluation of the advantages and limitations of the indirect linking of CGE-TIMES models ("soft linking") compared to other linking methods ("hard linking" and "hybrid linking"). After the audit of the existing version of the CGE model, in cooperation with the IPE, an analysis of the availability of the data required for modeling will be carried out, if necessary, proposals for the improvement of statistics will be developed and/or alternative methods of data collection will be offered. Hypotheses will be put forward regarding the optimal type of CGE model for the case of Latvia, as well as the optimal type of connection with the IPE TIMES model.

The study is available here (in Latvian):

Latvijas VLA modeļa pilnveides mehānismi, lai Latvijas gadījumam nodrošinātu starptautiski konkurētspējīgu vispārējā līdzsvara modeli klimata politikas ietekmes uz tautsaimniecību novērtēšanai un tās efektīvu sasaisti ar FEI TIMES modeli PDF

On December 10, 2021, the Zoom seminar organised by the Productivity Research Institute of the University of Latvia “UL Think tank LV PEAK” took place. The seminar was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia and the Institute of Physical Energetics within the scientific project "Modelling and Analysis of the Economic Impact of Climate Goals".

The first part of the seminar focused on the implementation of the European Green Course and the challenges of the Latvian economy, the second part was devoted to the experience and challenges of climate change policy modelling.

The live broadcast of the seminar could be viewed on the public media portal LSM.lv and on the Facebook page of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia.

The programme of the seminar


Dr. Dmitrijs Skoruks: Klimata mērķu ekonomiskās ietekmes modelēšana: pētniecības projekta mērķi.

Prof. Gundars Bērziņš: Valsts un sabiedrības iesaiste zaļā kursa realizācijā. Iespējas un izaicinājumi.

Ivars Golsts: Zaļā kursa izaicinājumi Latvijas enerģētikas sektorā.

Vineta Kleinberga: Zinātnes loma klimata pārmaiņu politikas veidošanā.

Dr. Aleksejs Nipers: Eiropas zaļais kurss – tehniska mērķu izpilde vai jēgpilna virzība?

Dr. Gaidis Klāvs: Modelēšanas pieejas pielietošana Eiropas Komisijas “Gatavi mērķrādītājam 55%” (Fit for 55) iniciatīvas ietekmes novērtējumam: sākotnējie rezultāti.

Līga Meņģelsone: Klimata mērķi un līdzsvarota pieeja.

Jānis Lielpēteris: Zaļais kurss šodienas acīm: uzņēmējs kompasa meklējumos.

Dr. Oļegs Krasnopjorovs: How to model the impact of climate policy on the economy? Lessons from foreign experience.

Dr. Leonidas Paroussos: Modelling the Socio-Economic Implications of Climate Change: State of the Art in CGE Modelling and Challenges.

Dr. Jānis Reķis: Energy and environmental systems modelling design.

Dr. Dzintars Jaunzems: Model-based policymaking or policy-based modelling? Experience on use of simulation and optimisation models.